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(2 edits)

what i liked about this game that it wasnt a fantasy horror monsters ghouls etc, it focuses on what can said as irl horror so yeah enjoyed the premise and pleased to do a gameplay video of it to which here it is 

game ini sangat membuat jantungan ya dan stroy nya lumayan jadi mantap dasar jumpscare bikin kaget :) 

semagat terus bang hehehehehe


Nice game w

Keren bang. Jumpscarenya awal2 oke tapi kelamaan jadi b aja wkwk, teksnya juga pegel gabisa di skip. Pesan moral yang didapat yaitu jangan jadi pembuli :D

kelas bang zernardd!! Oke ashiap semuanya bisa bakal di skip! 

(1 edit) (+1)

[this message has been redacted]

(1 edit)

funny redacted message from BryanPlays

Deleted 121 days ago
Deleted 121 days ago

This was pretty solid for what this was! Being able to skip the dialogue way before it finishes would be nice. Took me over an hour to get all the endings which seems obscene for a game like this. But overall, not too bad. Made a video on it.


GGs Fearegen. 


Thanks for playing!!